Sunday, February 19, 2023

Ranking the Top 10 Movies Per Decade Since the 1960s (Mental Exercise)

Greetings sillies,
This is purely a mental exercise for my own enjoyment, the only parameter is that I've seen the movie in question but it could be fun to look at in 20-30 years assuming no nuclear apocalypse. My Top 5 movies as of this writing are Unforgiven, Taxi Driver, The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly, Seven Samurai, and Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans. 1960's: 1. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly 2. Once Upon a Time in the West 3. Dr. Strangelove 4. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid 5. Cool Hand Luke 6. West Side Story 7. The Apartment 8. Sanjuro 9. A Fistful of Dollars 10. Goldfinger.................................................................................................................... 1970's: 1. Taxi Driver 2. French Connection 3. The Deer Hunter 4. Josey Wales 5. The Sting 6. Silver Streak 7. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 8. Alien 9. Chinatown 10. Monty Python and the Holy Grail.................................................................................................................. 1980's: 1. The Princess Bride 2. Once Upon a Time in America 3. The Shining 4. Blue Velvet 5. Raging Bull 6. The Untouchables 7. The Terminator 8. Robocop 9. Die Hard 10. Willow............................................................................................................................ 1990's: 1. Unforgiven 2. Total Recall 3. Starship Troopers 4. Terminator 2 5. Goodfellas 6. The Usual Suspects 7. The Truman Show 8. Reservoir Dogs 9. Groundhog Day 10. Shawshank Redemption................................................................................................ 2000's: 1. No Country For Old Men 2. There Will Be Blood 3. Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans 4. The Fellowship of the Ring 5. The Prestige 6. In Bruges 7. Oldboy 8. Training Day 9. The Dark Knight 10. Road to Perdition................................................................................................................... 2010's: 1. Mad Max Fury Road 2. Blade Runner 2049 3. Parasite 4. Edge of Tomorrow 5. Logan 6. Inception 7. Mud 8. Shape of Water 9. Annihilation 10. Sorry to Bother You.................................................................................................................. 2020's: ??? Dune, Top Gun, Banshees in some order I suppose........................................................................................................................ I did write reviews for a decent number of the 2010s movies, 80s and 90s I can come up with like 25 that are worthy but arbitrary restrictions and what not.

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